Market Research

Syndicated Research

Our syndicated market research reports provide you with a broad view of a market ─ its size, structure, dynamics and characteristics. They also contain a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape, price fluctuations, trends, and all other factors influencing its development.

All syndicated research reports are prepared using our unique approach. The methodology includes a blend of qualitative and quantitative data gathered from primary and secondary sources. All information comes from official sources and is complemented with insights from our network of market experts, gathered by semi-structured interviews.

Each syndicated report is updated with the latest data after purchase confirmation. We approach each project with a flexible mindset, ready to personalize it to your specific needs and goals.

Our market research provides you with a strategic analysis of the market of your choice, as well as its recent and future developments. Our analysis saves you valuable time and resources while presenting you all the necessary information in one place.

Syndicated Market Research Report Benefits

Understand the market

  • Discover reliable and expert-verified market data, with which you can confidently make smarter business decisions and drive your business forward;
  • Quickly and cost–effectively gain competitive intelligence about the market;
  • See how the market performed in the past, present and future;
  • Get acquainted with the leading companies and their strategic position;
  • Track market data, including volume, value, segmentation, forecasts, dynamics and structure – past, present and future;
  • Analyze information for a whole region and each country within it;
  • Track and identify key market trends and insights and key drivers behind recent market changes;
  • Strategically assess growth potential, opportunities, demand drivers and challenges on the market;
  • Build and execute upon a strong strategy based on verified market data and expert insights;
  • Explore and identify new market opportunities in the countries and regions within the market.

    Identify opportunities and threats

    • Identify market opportunities and threats within the market and local economy;
    • Assess growth potential, demand drivers and restraints on the market;
    • Evaluate key macroeconomic indicators and gain insight into the general trends within the local economy;
    • Strategically assess the competitive position of the main market players;
    • Evaluate how diversified the market is in terms of competitive intensity, fragmentation and environment and understand competitive threats.

    Develop strategies

    • Make important strategic decisions safely and with confidence;
    • Evaluate your position on the market, choose a new market to enter or get to know a completely new market;
    • Receive professional expertise on the market and everything important, connected with its recent and expected future development;
    • Save your time and resources by not having to compile the whole research by yourself;
    • In a quick and hassle-free way get all the data you need in one place;
    • Empower your marketing, branding, strategy, product and business development, consumption and supply functions with valuable market insights;
    • Build your investment strategy by assessing market attractiveness, regional/country attractiveness or company attractiveness;
    • Build your own market entry or market expansion strategy, or evaluate your current strategy;
    • Add value to pitches and presentations by using verified market data and expert insights.

    What Kind of Data Is Presented in Our Syndicated Reports?

    Our syndicated market research reports present data, which is:

    • Reliable ─ the reports are prepared using our proven methodology, including both primary and secondary research;
    • Expert-verified ─ the data is cross-checked and confirmed by global and local experts, representatives of the main market players;
    • Real ─ allow you to confidently make smarter business and strategic decisions;
    • Comprehensive ─ breaks down the overall regional data into separate data for each country covered;
    • Comparable ─ the reports cover information, which has been calculated in the same units for each indicator, making it comparable among all global countries and regions but still take into account the local differences of the markets;
    • Easy to read, perceive and understand ─ you do not have to be a market expert to understand what really is happening on the market and how it works;
    • Valuable ─ the value you get from our reports is much higher than the investment you make for it;
    • Quick and hassle-free to get ─ you can read our reports in less than a few days or even hours;
    • Commercially feasible ─ you do not have to invest in hundreds of country or product reports separately;
    • All in one place;
    • Easy to get ─ just a few clicks away!

    What Kind of Decisions You Can Make Based on the Data in Our Reports?

    Our reports present reliable and real market data that provides valuable support to make important strategic decisions regarding:

    • Strategic planning;
    • Marketing and sales;
    • Market and industry evaluation;
    • Evaluation of market opportunities, risks and challenges;
    • Regional and country evaluation and opportunity analysis;
    • Market entry;
    • Market growth;
    • Pricing and promotion;
    • New product development;
    • Distribution;
    • Sourcing and supply chain management;
    • Company evaluation;
    • Mergers and acquisitions.

    Who Are Our Syndicated Reports for?

    Our syndicated reports are for people who are actively working on the markets of interest, representatives of producers, distributors, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, suppliers:

    • Industry C Level executives;
    • Directors;
    • Industry strategists;
    • Marketing professionals;
    • Business development professionals;
    • Product developers;
    • Product marketers and strategists;
    • Product managers;
    • Project managers;
    • Suppliers;
    • Traders.

    Our syndicated reports are also for people, not directly and actively involved in the markets of interest, representatives of investors, consultants, advisors and financial institutions:

    • Management consultants;
    • Investment managers;
    • Financial professionals;
    • Bank managers;
    • M&A managers.

    Gain actionable insights to make informed decisions that move your business forward.

    Visit the store to browse the entire catalogue of available off-the-shelf market research reports.

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    Hundreds of organizations around the world have used our research to create effective strategies.

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    Customer Feedback
    • Technology and Consumer Electronics Leader
      “I would personally like to thank you for the great work you have done. You have been very professional and helpful throughout the whole process and not only were able to cater to all our needs and answer all our questions, but also were able to keep up our work pace, which is something we see very rarely”
      Product Manager at the client company
    • Large Oil and Gas Producer
      “WMStrategy did a great job and helped us immensely, I cannot recommend them enough!”
      Business Strategist at the client company
    • Leading Oil and Petrochemical Producer
      “We are really satisfied with your work and really impressed by your professionalism during our project!”
      Director at the client company
    • Leading FMCG Direct Seller in Central and Eastern Europe
      “Great analysis – very professional and detailed. It helped us better understand the markets, their dynamics and the competition and benchmark our results against the market leaders in each country. Would definitely contact WMStrategy first again when we have similar projects.”
      Product Manager at the client company
    • Regional Office of Global Consumer Research and Consulting Leader
      “We have been working with market research companies from all over Europe, but our work with WMStrategy surpassed all our expectations. They delivered on everything they promised in a professional and timely manner and were answering questions on this project more than 3 months after it officially finished. We have contacted them for more than ten projects after that and we continue to do so because we believe we have found a strong partner in them.”
      Account Manager at the client company
    • Entrepreneur in Nigeria
      “Let me start by thanking you for a job very well done and detailed. We appreciate your professionalism and are very appreciative and impressed with your work!”
      Entrepreneur and Investor
    • Leading FMCG Conglomerate in Asia
      “Your reports are amazing, they have been really helpful to us. We will definitely work with you again”
      Product Manager at the client company
    • Leading Commercial Furniture Supplier in Asia
      “Your team is amazing – you are always able to answer all our questions, even the hardest ones. Your expert understanding of the markets and your general business thinking has helped us a lot in evaluating and expanding our business and horizons.”
      Market Research Director at the client company
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